Saturday, August 31, 2019

Midterm Exam questions

1. How can agriculture be seen as a development caused by politics or religion? What are the main ideas behind those theories? The development of agriculture as caused by religion and politics is comprehended when seeing how this economic activity affects food – its supply and production. Food, when its supply is limited and its acquisition is very difficult, tends to be equally distributed among those who engaged in its production. This was what characterized the earlier stages of our evolution. Everything, from food gathering and hunting, to cooking and eating, were social in nature because man was pitted against an environment that he still did not master. Thus, working together was the sole manner in which man was able to adapt to his environment and eventually survive. Cooking, with man’s discovery of fire, and subsequently eating food carried with it certain rituals that celebrated its availability and the human sustenance it will provide. As this process of mastering and changing nature as a culture continued, other ways of producing greater and more reliable amounts of food were discovered as in animal domestication and agriculture. When production activities eventually produced more food than what the social group needed, it was then that inequality in terms of the distribution of work involved and of its products emerged (p.51). This was what characterized the earlier engagement of man with plant propagation. While the elite (the nobility or those who ruled) do not work because they owned the land, they had an abundance of food. They are categorized as the non-food producers of society. Below them in the class structure, farmers toiled in the fields and ate less, giving land tribute to those who owned it. This kind of politics or the power over access to food without actually engaging in its labor enabled the elites to engage and further develop knowledge, not only in production but in warfare, philosophy, religion and the sciences. The social rituals involved in the pre-agriculture way of life of man, gave rise to religions that were integrated into the cycles of agricultural food production (p.52). Each stage of the cycle involves rituals that would ensure a season of plenty and bountiful harvests are celebrated with grand, religious festivals of eating the fields’ first produce. For example, the Aztecs conducted mass eating of sacred beans and corn stew, ingredients that came from the season’s harvests. Hence, both the political system and religious practices established the role of agriculture in society’s methods of food acquisition. 2. What are the common features of government and religion across all the river valley civilizations? Why were they common? Civilizations tended to rise in river valley areas because the physical conditions of these environments permitted a sustainable source of water for agriculture. This is a far better situation as opposed to farmers’ dependence on unpredictable rain fall. The waters also served as carriers of minerals vital to the maintenance of soil fertility. A reliable supply of water means a higher probability of superior crops and good harvest. Good harvest also means food abundance or excess, human energy and life. The excess in food supply enabled man to engage in other fields of human development. Governments or their political structures are also quite similar in that there are rulers-emperors and pharaohs for example, who belong to the elite class. Serving them as officials are the religious (priests, scribes) and military leaders and bureaucrats. Governments are centralized with institutionalized ways of administration as evidenced in the laws, codes and policies enacted and enforced through force or otherwise (p.79). The consolidated political control over the whole population resulted in an integrated economy and a homogenous culture (p.86). Hence, the trading of the surplus of economic production through the labor of farmers or artisans became possible and gave rise to a class of merchants and traders. Trading, or the export of excess food and other products and the import of food and other products not available locally, was a financially lucrative enterprise for elites and governments, not to mention the luxury food and non-food items they acquired out of it. Hence, kingdoms, empires and dynasties waged conquests upon their neighbors to control trade i.e. to eliminate competition (p.95). The enhancement of its routes (i.e. master the rivers, seas and land for trade) was also one objective. The history of the Silk Road is an example of this. These imperialistic undertakings also made way for them to obtain other tradable resources made abundant in the conquered societies through the latter’s own production efforts (p.96). In this manner of establishing control of others through force, they also protected their society’s resources (including their food supply). Religions across the river valley civilizations are characterized as involving elements of the natural environment as their gods (p.64). The Hindus considered water and some animals as sacred, Chinese religions centered on man’s harmony and unity with nature, civilizations pay tribute to the sun and moon. Incidentally, religion was not separate from government and their theology involved not just one but many deities who form a hierarchical system. Their practices reflect their interaction with nature as in crop cultivation, hunting, silk production, pottery making, etc. However, these religions were influenced by other religions as cultural contact as the result of trade became possible. The commonalities in government and religion among river valley civilizations stems from the same objective economic and political conditions which are consequences of their capacities to produce surplus food and other products for human consumption, adaptation to their environment. 3. What common characteristics of the empires of Assyria and Babylon share? What factors caused their failure? The empires of Assyria and Babylon were both river valley civilizations located in what is called the Fertile Crescent, between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. They both had a developed agricultural production, engaged in trading, philosophy, science and technology, the latter leading them to build ships, hanging gardens and more sophisticated weapons. They both had armies and conducted imperialistic conquests of each other and neighboring states. Failure was mostly due to internal instabilities of their empires (p.105). For instance, Assyria focused so much on war, its military and related technologies, spreading its armies so thinly in efforts to conquer as many other states as possible. Their thin dispersal made them vulnerable to other empire-states who were after the same objective or who just did not wish to be subjugated and reduced to slave labor. As a result, the basic agricultural production for food was neglected as more of the population became soldiers. More importantly, diversification of food production was not considered significant to merit attention. Reliance on just one method of domestic food production as well as conquest and trade for obtaining resources also fostered reliance on the great rivers for irrigation as a trade route (p.126). This did not prepare them for environmental and climate shifts wherein the rivers receded and became heavily silted adversely affecting agriculture and trade. Partner states in trade also ceased to engage in it because of their own specific internal problems. The resulting limitations in food and resources supply led to more wars and conquests which characterized the region of Mesopotamia and eventually wore down some of the empires (p.127). 4. Compare and contrast the three Chinese philosophical ideologies: Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism. Taoism is an ideology that focuses on the individual and his life’s mission of finding his place in the world. In order to achieve this, one has to study nature and one’s self as integral to it. Taoism promotes a view of nature whose beauty and rhythm is driven by a pervasive power in the universe. Drastic changes to the natural course of things would ruin this rhythm and balance (p.316). Confucianism emphasizes unity with one’s social and natural environment, establishing social stability through non-violent means (p.317). Man should nurture himself and the natural environment as well. It teaches adherence to society’s values and rituals, the hierarchical social order, education for further self-development and the government’s role of earning trust through ensuring and protecting public welfare. It further promotes the common good in every endeavor through both individual and cooperative efforts. Legalism on the other hand, teaches the absolute rule of law in creating social stability. Because man is considered as innately self-centered, punishing those who break the law and rewarding those who adhere to it makes people law-abiding. It advocated utilitarianism, or engaging in activities that directly benefits others such as agriculture (p.317). Both Taoism and Confucianism promote harmony with the environment while Legalism, through its utilitarian principles, sought the labor of people in transforming the environment through agriculture, the building of the Great Wall and others. While Taoism values the individual, Confucianism values the social structure while Legalism, the law. Nature unobstructed is central to Taoism, while Confucianism tends to include promote harmony with nature as well as changing it as long as it constitutes the common good. Legalism discourages discourse on non-practical matters and focuses on nature only if it is within the realms of the law. Reference: Fernandez-Armesto, F. (2006) The World: A History Volume One to 1500. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Â   Â   Â  

Friday, August 30, 2019

The Vampire Diaries: The Struggle Chapter Three

Bonnie stared. â€Å"I don't remember anything about the bridge. It didn't feel like a bridge.† â€Å"But you said it yourself, at the end. I thought you remembered†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena's voice died away. â€Å"You don't remember that part,† she said flatly. It was not a question. â€Å"I remember being alone, somewhere cold and dark, and feeling weak†¦ and thirsty. Or was it hungry? I don't know, but I needed†¦ something. And I almost wanted to die. And then you woke me up.† Elena and Meredith exchanged a glance. â€Å"And after that,† Elena said to Bonnie, â€Å"you said one more thing, in a strange voice. You said not to go near the bridge.† â€Å"She toldyou not to go near the bridge.† Meredith corrected. â€Å"You in particular, Elena. She said Death was waiting.† â€Å"I don't care what's waiting,† said Elena. â€Å"If that's where Stefan is, that's where I'm going.† â€Å"Then that's where we're all going,† said Meredith. Elena hesitated. â€Å"I can't ask you to do that,† she said slowly. â€Å"There might be danger – of a kind you don't know about. It might be best for me to go alone.† â€Å"Don't,† said Elena quickly. â€Å"You were the one who said it wasn't a game.† â€Å"And not for Stefan, either,† Meredith reminded them. â€Å"We're not doing him much good standing around here.† Elena was already shrugging out of her kimono, moving toward the closet. â€Å"We'd better all bundle up. Borrow anything you want to keep warm,† she said. When they were more or less dressed for the weather, Elena turned to the door. Then she stopped. â€Å"Robert,† she said. â€Å"There's no way we can get past him to the front door, even if he's asleep.† Simultaneously, the three of them turned to look at the window. â€Å"Oh, wonderful,† said Bonnie. As they climbed out into the quince tree, Elena realized that it had stopped snowing. But the bite of the air on her cheek made her remember Damon's words. Winter is an unforgiving season, she thought, and shivered. All the lights in the house were out, including those in the living room. Robert must have gone to sleep already. Even so, Elena held her breath as they crept past the darkened windows. Meredith's car was a little way down the street. At the last minute, Elena decided to get some rope, and she soundlessly opened the back door to the garage. There was a swift current in Drowning Creek, and wading would be dangerous. The drive to the end of town was tense. As they passed the outskirts of the woods, Elena remembered the way the leaves had blown at her in the cemetery. Particularly oak leaves. â€Å"Bonnie, do oak trees have any special significance? Did your grandmother ever say anything about them?† â€Å"Well, they were sacred to the Druids. All trees were, but oak trees were the most sacred. They thought the spirit of the trees brought them power.† Elena digested that in silence. When they reached the bridge and got out of the car, she gave the oak trees on the right side of the road an uneasy glance. But the night was clear and strangely calm, and no breeze stirred the dry brown leaves left on the branches. â€Å"Keep your eyes out for a crow,† she said to Bonnie and Meredith. â€Å"A crow?† Meredith said sharply. â€Å"Like the crow outside Bonnie's house the night Yangtze died?† â€Å"The night Yangtze was killed. Yes.† Elena approached the dark waters of Drowning Creek with a rapidly beating heart. Despite its name, it was not a creek, but a swiftly flowing river with banks of red native clay. Above it stood Wickery Bridge, a wooden structure built nearly a century ago. Once, it had been strong enough to support wagons; now it was just a footbridge that nobody used because it was so lay on the ground. Despite her brave words earlier, Bonnie was hanging back. â€Å"Remember the last time we went over this bridge?† she said. Too well, Elena thought. The last time they had crossed it, they were being chased by†¦ something†¦ from the graveyard. Or someone, she thought. â€Å"We're not going over it yet,† she said. â€Å"First we've got to look under it on this side.† â€Å"Where the old man was found with his throat torn open,† Meredith muttered, but she followed. The car headlights illuminated only a small portion of the bank under the bridge. As Elena stepped out of the narrow wedge of light, she felt a sick thrill of foreboding. Death was waiting, the voice had said. Was Death down here? Her feet slipped on the damp, scummy stones. All she could hear was the rushing of the water, and its hollow echo from the bridge above her head. And, though she strained her eyes, all she could see in the darkness was the raw riverbank and the wooden trestles of the bridge. â€Å"Stefan?† she whispered, and she was almost glad that the noise of the water drowned her out. She felt like a person calling â€Å"who's there?† to an empty house, yet afraid of what might answer. â€Å"This isn't right,† said Bonnie from behind her. â€Å"What do you mean?† Bonnie was looking around, shaking her head slightly, her body taut with concentration. â€Å"It just feels wrong. I don't – well, for one thing I didn't hear the river before. I couldn't hear anything at all, just dead silence.† Elena's heart dropped with dismay. Part of her knew that Bonnie was right, that Stefan wasn't in this wild and lonely place. But part of her was too scared to listen. â€Å"We've got to make sure,† she said through the constriction in her chest, and she moved farther into the darkness, feeling her way along because she couldn't see. But at last she had to admit that there was no sign that any person had recently been here. No sign of a dark head in the water, either. She wiped cold muddy hands on her jeans. â€Å"We can check the other side of the bridge,† said Meredith, and Elena nodded mechanically. But she didn't need to see Bonnie's expression to know what they'd find. This was the wrong place. â€Å"Let's just get out of here,† she said, climbing through vegetation toward the wedge of light beyond the bridge. Just as she reached it, Elena froze. Bonnie gasped. â€Å"Oh, God – † â€Å"Get back,† hissed Meredith. â€Å"Up against the bank.† Clearly silhouetted against the car headlights above was a black figure. Elena, staring with a wildly It was moving toward them. Ducking out of sight, Elena cowered back against the muddy riverbank under the bridge, pressing herself as flat as possible. She could feel Bonnie shaking behind her, and Meredith's fingers sank into her arm. They could see nothing from here, but suddenly there was a heavy footfall on the bridge. Scarcely daring to breathe, they clung to one another, faces turned up. The heavy footsteps rang across the wooden planks, moving away from them. Please let him keep going, thought Elena. Oh, please†¦ She sank her teeth into her lip, and then Bonnie whimpered softly, her icy hand clutching Elena's. The footsteps were coming back. I should go out there, Elena thought. It's me he wants, not them. He said as much. I should go out there and face him, and maybe he'll let Bonnie and Meredith leave. But the fiery rage that had sustained her that morning was in ashes now. With all her strength of will, she could not make her hand let go of Bonnie's, could not tear herself away. The footsteps sounded right above them. Then there was silence, followed by a slithering sound on the bank. No, thought Elena, her body charged with fear. He was coming down. Bonnie moaned and buried her head against Elena's shoulder, and Elena felt every muscle tense as she saw movement – feet, legs – appear out of the darkness.No †¦ â€Å"What are youdoing down there?† Elena's mind refused to process this information at first. It was still panicking, and she almost screamed as Matt took another step down the bank, peering under the bridge. â€Å"Elena? What are youdoing?† he said again. Bonnie's head flew up. Meredith's breath exploded in relief. Elena herself felt as if her knees might give way. â€Å"Matt,† she said. It was all she could manage. Bonnie was more vocal. â€Å"What do you thinkyou're doing?† she said in rising tones. â€Å"Trying to give us a heart attack? What are you out here for at this time of night?† Matt thrust a hand into his pocket, rattling change. As they emerged from under the bridge, he stared out over the river. â€Å"I followed you.† â€Å"Youwhat ?† said Elena. Reluctantly, he swung to face her. â€Å"I followed you,† he repeated, shoulders tense. â€Å"I figured you'd find a way to get around your aunt and go out again. So I sat in my car across the street and watched your.† Elena didn't know what to say. She was angry, and of course, he had probably done it only to keep his promise to Stefan. But the thought of Matt sitting out there in his battered old Ford, probably freezing to death and without any supper†¦ it gave her a strange pang she didn't want to dwell on. He was looking out at the river again. She stepped closer to him and spoke quietly. â€Å"I'm sorry, Matt,† she said. â€Å"About the way I acted back at the house, and – and about – † She fumbled for a minute and then gave up. About everything, she thought hopelessly. â€Å"Well, I'm sorry for scaring you just now.† He turned back briskly to face her, as if that settled the matter. â€Å"Now could you please tell me what you think you're doing?† â€Å"Bonnie thought Stefan might be here.† â€Å"Bonnie didnot ,† said Bonnie. â€Å"Bonnie said right away that it was the wrong place. We're looking for somewhere quiet, no noises, and closed in. I felt†¦ surrounded,† she explained to Matt. Matt looked back at her warily, as if she might bite. â€Å"Sure you did,† he said. â€Å"There were rocks around me, but not like these river rocks.† â€Å"Uh, no, of course they weren't.† He looked sideways at Meredith, who took pity on him. â€Å"Bonnie had a vision,† she said. Matt backed up a little, and Elena could see his profile in the headlights. From his expression, she could tell he didn't know whether to walk away or to round them all up and cart them to the nearest insane asylum. â€Å"It's no joke,† she said. â€Å"Bonnie's psychic, Matt. I know I've always said I didn't believe in that sort of thing, but I've been wrong. You don't know how wrong. Tonight, she – she tuned in to Stefan somehow and got a glimpse of where he is.† Matt drew a long breath. â€Å"I see. Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Don't patronize me! I'm not stupid, Matt, and I'm telling you this is for real. She was there, with Stefan; she knew things only he would know. And she saw the place he's trapped in.† â€Å"Trapped,† said Bonnie. â€Å"That's it. It was definitely nothing open like a river. But there was water, water up to my neck.His neck. And rock walls around, covered with thick moss. The water was ice cold and still, and it smelled bad.† â€Å"But what did you see?† Elena said. â€Å"Nothing. It was like being blind. Somehow I knew that if there was even the faintest ray of light I would be able to see, but I couldn't. It was black as a tomb.† â€Å"As a tomb†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Thin chills went through Elena. She thought about the ruined church on the hill above the graveyard. There was a tomb there, a tomb she thought had opened once. â€Å"No†¦ but I don't get any sense of where itcould be then,† Bonnie said. â€Å"Stefan wasn't really in his right mind; he was so weak and hurt. And so thirsty – â€Å" Elena opened her mouth to stop Bonnie from going on, but just then Matt broke in. â€Å"I'll tell you what it sounds like to me,† he said. The three girls looked at him, standing slightly apart from their group like an eavesdropper. They had almost forgotten about him. â€Å"Well?† said Elena. â€Å"Exactly,† he said. â€Å"I mean, it sounds like a well.† Elena blinked, excitement stirring in her. â€Å"Bonnie?† â€Å"Itcould be,† said Bonnie slowly. â€Å"The size and the walls and everything would be right. But a well is open; I should have been able to see the stars.† â€Å"Not if it were covered,† said Matt. â€Å"A lot of the old farmhouses around here have wells that are no longer in use, and some farmers cover them to make sure little kids don't fall in. My grandparents do.† Elena couldn't contain her excitement any longer. â€Å"That could be it. Thatmust be it. Bonnie, remember, you said it wasalways dark there.† â€Å"Yes, and it did have a sort of underground feeling.† Bonnie was excited, too, but Meredith interrupted with a dry question. â€Å"How many wells do you think there are in Fell's Church, Matt?† â€Å"Dozens, probably,† he said. â€Å"But covered? Not as many. And if you're suggesting somebody dumped Stefan in this one, then it can't be any place where people would see it. Probably somewhere abandoned†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"And his car was found on this road,† said Elena. â€Å"The old Francher place,† said Matt. They all looked at one another. The Francher farmhouse had been ruined and deserted for as long as anybody could remember. It stood in the middle of the woods, and the woods had taken it over nearly a century ago. â€Å"Let's go,† added Matt simply. Elena put a hand on his arm. â€Å"You believe – ?† He looked away a moment. â€Å"I don't know what to believe,† he said at last. â€Å"But I'm coming.† â€Å"From here we walk,† he said. Elena was glad she'd thought of bringing rope; they'd need it if Stefan were really in the Francher well. And if he wasn't†¦ She wouldn't let herself think about that. It was hard going through the woods, especially in the dark. The underbrush was thick, and dead branches reached out to snatch at them. Moths fluttered around them, brushing Elena's cheek with unseen wings. Eventually they came to a clearing. The foundations of the old house could be seen, building stones tied to the ground now by weeds and brambles. For the most part, the chimney was still intact, with, hollow places where concrete had once held it together, like a crumbling monument. â€Å"The well would be somewhere out back,† Matt said. It was Meredith who found it and called the others. They gathered around and looked at the flat, square block of stone almost level with the ground. Matt stooped and examined the dirt and weeds around it. â€Å"It's been moved recently,† he said. That was when Elena's heart began pounding in earnest. She could feel it reverberating in her throat and her fingertips. â€Å"Let's get it off,† she said in a voice barely above a whisper. The stone slab was so heavy that Matt couldn't even shift it. Finally all four of them pushed, bracing themselves against the ground behind it, until, with a groan, the block moved a fraction of an inch. Once there was a tiny gap between stone and well, Matt used a dead branch to lever the opening wider. Then they all pushed again. When there was an aperture large enough for her head and shoulders, Elena bent down, looking in. She was almost afraid to hope. â€Å"Stefan?† The seconds afterward, hovering over that black opening, looking down into darkness, hearing only the echoes of pebbles disturbed by her movement, were agonizing. Then, incredibly, there was another sound. â€Å"Who – ? Elena?† â€Å"Oh, Stefan!† Relief made her wild. â€Å"Yes! I'm here, we're here, and we're going to get you out. Are you all right? Are you hurt?† The only thing that stopped her from tumbling in herself was Matt grabbing her from behind. â€Å"Stefan, hang on, we've got a rope. Tell me you're all right.† There was a faint, almost unrecognizable sound, but Elena knew what it was. A laugh. Stefan's voice was thready but intelligible. â€Å"I've – been better,† he said. â€Å"But I'm – alive. Who's with you?† She slapped the top of his head. â€Å"Don't joke about it! Get him up!† â€Å"Yes, ma'am,† said Matt, a little giddily. â€Å"Here, Stefan. You're going to have to tie this around you.† â€Å"Yes,† said Stefan. He didn't argue about fingers numb with cold or whether or not they could haul his weight up. There was no other way. The next fifteen minutes were awful for Elena. It took all four of them to pull Stefan out, although Bonnie's main contribution was saying, â€Å"come on, comeon ,† whenever they paused for breath. But at last Stefan's hands gripped the edge of the dark hole, and Matt reached forward to grab him under the shoulders. Then Elena was holding him, her arms locked around his chest. She could tell just how wrong things were by his unnatural stillness, by the limpness of his body. He'd used the last of his strength helping to pull himself out; his hands were cut and bloody. But what worried Elena most was the fact that those hands did not return her desperate embrace. When she released him enough to look at him, she saw that his skin was waxen, and there were black shadows under his eyes. His skin was so cold that it frightened her. She looked up at the others anxiously. Matt's brow was furrowed with concern. â€Å"We'd better get him to the clinic fast. He needs a doctor.† â€Å"No!† The voice was weak and hoarse, and it came from the limp figure Elena cradled. She felt Stefan gather himself, felt him slowly raise his head. His green eyes fixed on hers, and she saw the urgency in them. â€Å"No†¦ doctors.† Those eyes burned into hers. â€Å"Promise†¦ Elena.† Elena's own eyes stung and her vision blurred. â€Å"I promise,† she whispered. Then she felt whatever had been holding him up, the current of sheer willpower and determination, collapse. He slumped in her arms, unconscious.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Plastic Pollution

Plastic has been the common materials that is being used on a daily basis. Many objects that made from plastic that can be seen from everyday such as food containers, plastic bag, storage and so many things that even a human being cannot think of it. Plastic’s existence has only just for over a century but because of the versatility of the materials plastics has a significantly increase in their use into all varieties of everyday life. Furthermore, the physical characteristic of plastic itself that are high resistance, durable, cheap and lightweight makes it suitable for production of a wide range of products category (Derraik, 2002).Basically plastics are synthetic organic polymers that are made from various chemical elements that mostly come from natural resources such as crude oil, gas and coal(Derraik, 2002). The raw materials of plastics were formed from ancient plants and animals hundreds of millions years ago. Therefore those raw materials are non-renewable resources th at explained when those resources would not be replaced for a short period of time. As many people use plastic everyday, it will take a more time to break down and as a result the plastic debris litter everywhere and become plastic pollution.As plastic is buoyant, it easily blows from garbage dumps or even flows through river that eventually moves through the sea. According to Australian Marine Conservation Society (2013b), when plastics are in the ocean, it will slowly breaks down in to smaller pieces and being eaten by animals that live at the bottom or even to the birds that flies and eat the floating plastic debris. Causes: Plastic pollution is the environmental problem that has been the issue that discussed by many people because of many causes occurred because of this problem.First, many people or even businesses gain profit from using plastics because of its characteristics that is hard to be substituted with other materials. As mentioned before plastic is non-renewable resou rce and need a long period of time to break down, however people use plastic for mostly everything surrounds them. So it will make availability of the natural resources for raw materials of the plastics decreases significantly and can be resulted a scarcity of resources. Other causes that happened because of plastic pollution is the marine life being threaten of the big amount of plastic that dumps in the ocean.In fact in Australia, AMCS found that 90% of marine debris on Sydney’s beaches is plastic, mostly bottles and straws. And also it emphasizes that Australians approximately buy 600 millions litres of bottled water a year and uses 10 million of plastic bags a day (2013b). Hence, large amounts of plastic are being produced each day and when it becomes litter, plastic can endanger the health of animals and sea life. Once the plastic debris are eaten, plastics are not provide proportionate nutrition through the ingestion of the plastic inside the animals’ body and wi ll result irritation of stomach that lead to death (Moore, 2008).High concentration of floating debris in the ocean brings potential threat to the marine life particularly to sea mammals and seabirds. As seabirds seek food from the ocean, when appears floating debris they might eat mistakenly or starvation that lead them to choke plastic and for certain period of time can endanger to the health of the birds (Edyvane K. S, 2004). According to AMCS, there are around one million seabirds and one hundred thousands marine mammals are killed every year because of plastics throughout the world.They analysed it by checking what inside the animal’s body and found out that, numerous of plastic debris cannot be ingested that killed those unfortunate animals. Furthermore plastic debris such as medical waste, plastic diapers and sanitary waste sometimes also can be seen on the beach that might impact to a public health hazard (Moore, 2008). The reason that plastic debris all over the beac hes is because lack of responsibility of visitor to appropriately throw the rubbish to the bin. Many of people think that plastic is easy to be carried but they are not aware about the impact of using plastic too much.Solutions: There are many potential solutions for the plastic pollution. As plastic is non-renewable resources and damage to the environment during its production and disposal process as well, so the only best way to recover it is reduce the use and the production of plastics. Even though plastics cannot be replaced with any other substitute, however, it is possible to change the raw materials that can be recycled and break down. For instance, many plastic bags for supermarket already change to degradable plastic, which is more environmental friendly.Another solution that are still being developed for reducing plastic pollution for marine life is Container Deposit Scheme that tackle and help take plastic off the plate for marine life (2013a). As can be seen actually th ere are a lot of bins provided in every corner of the street in Australia, but it still will not work because sometimes people do not care about to separate their rubbish into recycle or non-recycle. Therefore Container Deposit Scheme will be a non-profit and work independently of the beverage companies.As many Australian buy innumerable bottles each day, it will increase the price of the drinks by 10 cent and whenever the container is returned to the convenient recycling depot, that amount of money will be refunded. However, if it is not returned, this deposit scheme will continue to recycle and help to clean up the litter including the marine pollution. Stakeholders: Basically, the key stakeholders for this problem to start reducing plastic use, as a human being we should do things differently first. Our attitude to litter rubbish everywhere is should be changed in order to save the environment.So we should be aware of the impact of plastic use for a long time that can damage anim als and also the environment. Australian government has already involved in solving this plastic pollution problem. Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism are the level of government that takes care of this specific problem(2013c). However they also need the involvement of citizen as well because the role of this department is help to give information to the citizen. In Australia, plastic products and packaging are required to marked with plastic identification code that place at the bottom to identify specifically what type of plastic is made from.So from the code itself, the government purposely encourages people to sort out the plastics materials type accordance to the recycle or non-recycle. In addition to the plastic debris in the ocean, Australian Marine Conservatory Society as the organization that influence by educate the public and equipping groups with suitable knowledge and skills to rescue sick and tangled marine animals because of plastic. They are responsible and have interest on marine life that endangered. Conclusion: As conclusion, plastic is spread all over the place because its physical characteristics that makes everybody tend to use for daily products.However, plastic is non-renewable resources that harm environment for long period of time. It happens that on the beach, there is incalculable debris that spread all over the location. Hence, this problem can be solved, when people have initiative to change their attitudes towards plastic. They should be able to separate which are recyclable and non-recyclable. So it will reduce the amount of plastic debris and help to maintain the ecosystem in the ocean as well as keep the population of animals that are endangered because of plastic debris.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

New World Meets the Old World-Spanish Settlement in Texas Essay

New World Meets the Old World-Spanish Settlement in Texas - Essay Example The various changes forced the two cultures to adapt due to changes brought by conflicting cultures but the Native American culture was the most affected. This, the paper focuses on the impacts that arose from the conquest of Texas by the Spaniards and the degree to which the locals suffered from cultural deterioration and imposing of new culture (Bolton, 2011). The Mayans, Aztecs, and the Toltecs occupied the western hemisphere, which formed major societies in Texas before invasion of the Spaniards. The Native Americans were initially hunters and fruit gatherers. With the invasion of the Spaniards, it brought three different worlds of Africa, Europe, and America into contact. In 1492, there were tribal extermination and individuals due to clashes in culture between the Native Americans and the Spaniards. This caused many deaths due to deadly diseases, which were brought in by the European newcomers. If disease and deaths moved haphazardly, from one Spaniard to another, Christianity was not an exception as it went through the same direction. In America, early encounters involved early missionaries, which included both the Protestants and Catholics who worked towards converting the natives to the new Christian faith. Reverend John Elliot who worked as the bible translator in 1663 translated the bible into Massachusetts’s language. ... One native by the name Pueblo made efforts to fight back by forming revolts in 1680. The Indian rebels made efforts to expel the Spanish colonizers. During the revolt, Pueblo attacked many missionaries, punished the Christians converts, and burned numerous churches. While these effects affected the Spaniards, education and trade were moving in two directions. Europeans were highly educated in the society. In America, the Spaniard elites were in a position to read and write. Thus, they started to spread their culture this through schools. In this regard, the Harvard College was built up in the 17th century. This was followed by the Dartmouth College, which was built in the 18th century. This college was meant to serve just a few individuals in society. The Indians who taught the natives on geography, climate, and food facilitated education. This enabled the natives to plan on planting and harvesting crops and other economic activities for their sustenance. Trading became an economic a ctivity but it was carried in two different ways. At first, the Europeans were using American land to cultivate it and ship the harvest back home while making huge profits. Though precious metals were the most profitable, there was no sign of any in Texas. The Europeans found fur, which was in plenty as the raw materials they could ship home. In South East, they found the soft hides from the whitetail deer which could be scraped, packed and later shipped back to Europe to make gloves and aprons. According to Kessell (2003), it was common for the natives to hunt animals, process their pelts and later ship to Europe. The barter trade had numerous anomalies as the Native Americans were unfamiliar to the products that came from Europe but European countries

Is the EU a declining global power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Is the EU a declining global power - Essay Example The European Union has been in the forefront in influencing policies, both in Europe and other parts of the world. The organisation has been a strong agent of change that has determined the fate of many nations within and outside Europe. Among other aspects, the organisation has actively participated in enhancing trade within Europe and ensuring that there is harmonisation of trade policies within the European nations. This has led to the establishment of the Euro as a currency, which is widely used when carrying out business transactions in Europe. Despite the dominance of EU and its notable strength as a global superpower, the organisation has been experiencing some challenges that have contributed to its decline as a global power (Prys, 2010: 480). The eurozone, which mostly comprises of the leading states, which make up the European Union, have been faced with immense challenges that have threatened to cause the fall of the European Union. The individual challenges faced by the states separately have had a negative impact on their production systems and economic growth. As a result, this has led to the decline of the entire union since the member states contribute significantly to the continuity of the union. The aspects of innovation and enterprise that once took centre stage in the EU have faced significant challenges; they have been frustrated and their advancement hindered by a number of factors (Hothi, 2005: 12). For the last three decades, the economic growth rates in the European Union have declined significantly as compared to the rates of growth in other regional actors. This case demonstrates that the EU has declined as a global power since it has faced difficulties in competing with other regional powers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

An analysis of an ad (SAMSUNG Galaxy S4) Assignment

An analysis of an ad (SAMSUNG Galaxy S4) - Assignment Example Being in agreement that the advertisement was successful, this paper will analyze ways in which the advertisement for the Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone is memorable and how it has managed to achieve outstanding impacts. It will describe the buying process as the main theme and determine who the target market is as well as highlight the advertisement’s strong and weak points. Further, it will give recommendations on how the advertisement could have been improved to achieve even better results. To drive the buying process, advertisers need to look at factors that affect consumer behavior or, in other words, answer the question why consumers buy the things they buy. In that sense, the buying process suggests that consumers pass through distinctive phases before finally buying a product. First, they realize that they want or need the product, then seek information and evaluate other products within the similar range. After satisfactorily being convinced about the best available fr om the options, they may then make a purchase. Traditionally, advertisements for high technology smart phones have not always clearly communicated their benefits in a manner easily comprehensible by non-technical users. They are characterized by an assumption regarding the instinctive aspects and often overestimating the understanding levels of the market (Kotler & Kevin 2006, 69). However, the Samsung Galaxy S4 advertisement has managed to tie it to the original positioning of the company which has always been for humans. In the advertisement that runs for one minute, the marketers have managed to communicate how an ordinary user can take full advantage of the simple yet innovative technology. Their choice of a background song that is popularly known, from the four seasons, attracts and holds the attention of the audience as the key features of the gadget are screened in the form of short sentences. As has been shown by research, consumers purchase brands that they can easily devel op an emotional attachment to (Tirmizi, Rehman & Saif 2009, 529). Music is one of the best known ways to create emotion, and a key effect of the chosen song is that it promotes the ability of the advertisement to remain memorable. Even without human voice-over, this strategy communicates the phone’s basics that users need to know about the new phone. The advertisement is set in a background that can attract both emotional and environmental responses that shape buying behavior. Target Market From its attributes, the audience can quickly establish that the phone targets a wide range of market but emphasis can be placed on tech-savvy youth. The opening pop-up says the phone is slimmer but stronger, which immediately gives it both feminine and masculine characteristics. It is not discriminative in terms of gender. It claims to have unimaginable clarity, which when coupled with its extended memory of 64 gigabytes makes it appealing to a young generation that loves downloading and storing movies. Looking at the aspect of targeting a large range of a market, this aspect also sits well with regular travelers because they can also carry along their own entertainment regardless of age. This gives the advertisement its first strong point because it is apparent that the marketers did sufficient research and anticipated the needs of potential customers. They manage to create honest marketing

Monday, August 26, 2019

The role of social media in building lasting valuable customer Essay

The role of social media in building lasting valuable customer relationships - Essay Example 1). Interactive market entails appreciating the experiences customers through communication channels whereby customers have a significant experience with the internet in the form of flow (Shankar and Malthouse, 2009, p. 1). Through following their preferred brands and retailers on social media platforms, consumers can get access to an insider view of commodities and the companies that produce them while at the same time looking at new releases, promotions and giveaways among other things. The present retail environment is in a new social norm with more and more people utilizing social networks every day. According to the Digital Consumer Report almost sixty-four percent of people who use social media tap into sites at least once every day on their computers, while almost fifty percent of social media subscribers access social networks through their smartphones. Progressive business entities such as Apple, Dell, Starbucks as well as Nike among other have adopted social channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as a means of boosting their bottom-line results (Safko, 2012, p. 27). Numerous brands have started realizing that social media can be employed as a powerful instrument in driving in-store engagement as well as sales. For most of the consumers, social media can be the source of inspiration on various ways of decorating space, planning an outfit or seeing how it fits on a real person rather than the conventional model. However, the participation of retailers in social channels is not supposed to end the moment when the customer pays for the commodity he or she is buying (Sparrow, 2010, p. 33). In order to drive continuous sales while promoting prolonged loyalty, forward thinking businesses employ social media networks to foster ongoing relationships and give value to their customers through time. Even though social media can assist in promoting quick sales and short-term goals of spreading the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Statistical Analysis study of Data Collection Essay

Statistical Analysis study of Data Collection - Essay Example Job satisfaction is an essential component that determines the productivity and retention of performing employees. The last, extrinsic satisfaction is based upon the surveyed employees’ response to the survey as regards their working environment and workplace. These responses have been analyzed in this paper. This is an important aspect of ensuring that the organization provides a good workplace and an atmosphere where the employee is motivated to perform at his best. Or, negatively speaking, there are very few distractions and the workers are able to concentrate on delivering their best. The population size of the Human Resources department is very small and is therefore not considered for the purpose of this paper. The administration department, being a staff function, operates in a different atmosphere, Information Technology (IT), the line function of this organization, is selected for detailed analysis. The IT department has a total of 100 employees of which 29 are male. The satisfaction levels in this department, based on extrinsic factors, are further studied by calculating the statistical central tendencies for extrinsic satisfaction. The measures adopted are: The above are calculated for all the employees first and then for female and male employees separately. All data is calculated on a scale of 1 to 7 where 1 represents very poor and 7 as very good. The results are presented below: Analysis of the data above throws important light on some of the aspects of the management and environment of the IT department. All employees rate their satisfaction with the working environment on an average of 4.50-4.60, with the female employees giving a slightly higher rating. It is the deviation that shows that while the male employees are more coherent in their opinion, the females differ more widely as to how they perceive the situation. This is also

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Health care joint ventures and competition law Essay

Health care joint ventures and competition law - Essay Example One of the major problems in applying antitrust analysis to joint ventures in the health care industry, as in other industries, is the inherent problem of properly defining a joint venture. The classic and most-often cited definition states that a joint venture is an enterprise in which two or more separate firms or entities integrate their operations such that the following conditions are met: (1) the enterprise is under the joint control of parent entities, which are not under related control; (2) each parent makes a substantial contribution to the joint enterprise; (3) the joint enterprise exists as a business entity separate from the parent entities; and (4) the enterprise creates or is intended to create a new capability in terms of providing new productive capacity, new technology, a new product, or entry into a new market. The term â€Å"joint venture† can be applied to a wide range of collaborative activity. The Department of Justice, in its Guidelines for Internationa l Operations, has defined a joint venture as â€Å"essentially any collaborative effort among firms, short of a merger, with respect to R&D, production, distribution and/or the marketing of products or services.† In the health care industry, agreements between hospitals and physicians to provide certain hospital-based services, such as anesthesiology, radiology, and pathology could be viewed as joint ventures.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Text Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Text - Essay Example ork-life balance issues, leisure benefit systems related to conflicts of between leisure and work, and work-family conflicts that would influence turnover intentions. This study explored the perceptions of employees in the hotel industry on issues of balancing work and life activities. In particular, the study sought to assess hotel workers for their views on issues of work-life balance as well as uncovering attributes brought dilemma for the work-life balance. In addition, factors affective general perceptions over balance of work and life were studied and suggestions for improving policies developed. These objectives are of great relevance to the hotel industry and led to an experimental study. The study identified the methodology applied in collecting information as the questionnaire survey method developed through literature review and pilot qualitative research (Wong & Ko, 2009 p197). This was desirable to ensure the research instrument was consistent with the existing literature as well as with the current situation in tourism hotel sector. The pilot research involved 24 detailed interviews classified into three categories: HR managers working in hotels, hotel workers from different levels, and professionals in the industry and government bodies. These interviews would gather rich information for the study and involved throbbing open ended, semi structured questions formulated in Chinese and English languages to cater for the diversity of the sample used (Wong & Ko, 2009 p197). The questions were translated from either English or Chinese and back to ensure no cultural or workplace bias was present. 24 individuals consisting of academia, HR professionals, master students in universities pursuing hospitality management, management staffs in hotels and hotel workers participated in the pilot study conducted in two phases. The diverse sample increased the reliability and appropriateness of the data. The data collected was analyzed using the dendrogram method in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Traits That a Good Teacher Should Possess Essay Example for Free

Traits That a Good Teacher Should Possess Essay The word good can have quite a few interpretations. For the purpose of this essay, it is assumed that good here means, effective that is, a teacher can impart his knowledge and whatever other value it is his responsibility to spread to his charges. It is also assumed that the teacher under discussion is one who teaches secondary school. First of all, a teacher must know his profession thoroughly. He must know his subject beyond the point he intends to teach. He needs to be an expert. For example, if he is teaching literature, he should know all the plays of Shakespeare or at least most of them, rather than just the play he is teaching. He can then make cross references and answer all the questions that arise in the minds of his students. Knowing his subject is of no use if he does not know how, or not bother to, to teach it most effectively to his students. Though it is true that in a secondary school, student should take the responsibility for their own learning, it would be dull and boring to learn from a teacher who does not present his subject in an interesting manner. It is the teachers duty to promote love of his subject among his students. This he will do first by loving the subject himself. His enthusiasm and love for his subject will catch on with his students and if they learn to love a subject they can learn it better. A bad teacher, usually by his lack of enthusiasm and interest, will cause his subject to be hated. it is fir such reason that a teacher should adopt good teaching methods instead of resorting to easier methods like just reading out of textbook. Every teacher must be genuinely interested in his job. He must feel that it is his calling to develop young minds, and through them, to actually shape the destiny of the country and the world. He must be dedicated and caring at least to the point that it matters to him that his students learn all that they need to know. Over and above teaching his subject, a teacher has the responsibility to develop characters of the students in his life. Quite often, a teacher is a students role model. All of us who go through school, hero worship at least one teacher whom we would like to emulate. A teacher should always be aware of this responsibility. If by chance he were to show flexibility in ethics and morals, he is more or less giving a sanction to his charges that it is acceptable for them to e like that too. This applies to simple vices like smoking and more serious errors where the teacher fails to draw a clear line between good and bad behaviour. From this time immemorial, teachers have been the pillars of society. Staying in the background, at least for most of the time, they have been indirectly responsible for the advancement of the race. Often, it is their lot to go unnoticed. But time and again, all great men and women have been unsparing in their praise of teachers. this is by far their greatest responsibility: teachers are the ones who guarantee that our tomorrows will be as hood as, id not better than, our todays. By shaping characters they ensure that the world continues to be.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

21st Century Management Skills Essay Example for Free

21st Century Management Skills Essay Being a successful manager in the 21st century takes many skills that can be placed into three categories: Management Style, Communication, and Employee Relations. Historically, managers have mostly fallen into the Theory X type manager, meaning they pushed for production at any cost to the employee. The manager would assume that most people dislike work and avoid it whenever possible. People responded to punishment and negative reinforcement, and also that employees wanted to be directed and did not want the responsibility of making their own decisions. The 21st century manager will be much the opposite, seeing the employee as the number one asset. They see the employee as being driven and embracing responsibility, while being loyal to the company due to a positive reward system. Managers will stand back allowing for self-direction, and employee creativity and imagination to be tapped into. Next, communication is key to the success of any organization. One important skill for a manager is being multicultural, and/or multilingual – being able to speak another language, and to understand and adapt to differing cultural cues. This allows for a diverse work environment with less culture shock and improved human relations. Information will flow equally up and down the organization; employees will be kept informed about the Key Operating Indicators of the company, such as Internal PPM Scrap, Efficiency, On Time Delivery, etc. Allowing for a visual representation of how the organization is doing, and making the employees feel more connected; in turn increasing productivity, decreasing scrap, pushing for quality and on time delivery – while being able to track improvements. Finally, organizations have changed their outlook on customer relations, by making their employees their internal customers. Employees will be used as guides for continuous improvement of processes and policies throughout the organization. This will allow the employee to form loyalty and commitment, knowing they have a say in how things work. Managers will be team leaders and coaches to new employees, meaning everyone is helping everyone else; allowing employees to embrace change. Employees with this new commitment will be more likely to be promoted from within with a wealth of company information and knowledge, helping them to renew the cycle and become better managers themselves.

The Personality And Academic Achievement

The Personality And Academic Achievement ABSTRACT Chemistry achievement is one of the major interests of educators. Educational psychologists have been always concerned to identify the factors that affect students achievement. The emphasis continued to change and shift from one aspect to the other from time to time. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of students personality and attitude on Chemistry achievement. Data were collected by self-prepared survey instrument. The opinions of personally approached 780 secondary school students of government, semi-government and private school sectors were surveyed through stratified random sampling. Data was analyzed by calculating mean, and by applying one way ANOVA. The results revealed that Gender, Family Type, School sectors, Parents Education, and Choice of Course have significant effect on chemistry achievement. Findings of study also revealed that out of five sub-factors of personality, the two sub-factors (Conscientiousness and Openness to Experience) effect signific antly on students having 50-80% marks achievement in chemistry. From 81-90% the significant determinant of chemistry achievement is the sub-factor Achievement Motivation and above 90% marks the significant predictor of Chemistry Achievement is sub-factor Motivation. The research will benefit Educators, Curriculum developers, Teacher, Parents and students. Findings of the factors influencing academic achievement will help educators to develop fair academic curricula that can compensate for known weaknesses a student might carry in the classroom, and those that can nurture a students strengths. Keywords: Attitude towards chemistry; Personality traits; Chemistry Achievement; Openness to experience; Conscientiousness; Motivation; Achievement Motivation. Introduction Academic achievement represents the understanding of the student about different concepts and skills developed in different subjects. In most of the countries, parents usually desire that their children show high level of academic achievement which sets a lot of burden on children, teachers, schools and in general the whole education system. Thus the whole education system revolves round the academic achievement of students so, the schools set a lot of time for helping students to achieve high grades. Academic achievement may be influenced by different factors like intelligence, study habits, and attitudes of students, socio economic status, motivation, opportunities, and different characteristics of their personality. Academic achievement is considered as a core standard to measure students total potential and capabilities of learning. Hence academic achievement occupies a very vital place in our education as well as in the learning process. Achievement is the major outcome of education, the level to which a student, teacher has accomplished their educational goals. According to Crow and Crow (1964) academic achievement is reflected by the extent to which a skill or knowledge has been acquired by a person from the training imparted to him. Previous studies in science education revealed that students at all levels struggle to learn chemistry, but most of them remain unsuccessful (Herron, 1975; Nakhleh, 1992; Sawrey, 1990). Knowledge of the factors that influence academic success has important implications for learning and education. Academic success is strongly influenced by individual differences in personality and attitude. Literature Review Personality and Academic Achievement: Personality is the basic area of study for psychologists. Hall and Lindzey (1991) state that personality may be defined in terms of characteristics or abilities, that are highly representative of an individual and is an important part of the overall impression created on others. According to Pervin, and John (2005) Personality comprises of unique set of characteristics that define an individual feelings, way of thinking, and behavior. Personality is a person set of relatively stable characteristics that account patterns of behavior, in various situations each individual in some ways is different and in some ways is unique. There is much concern about the science achievement of the students in high schools recently. Accordingly a strong emphasis is currently placed on improving the quality of science education (Morrel Lederman, 1998). A widely used personality model, McCrae and Costas NEO Five Factor Model, or Big Five Model (1990), comprises of Extraversion, Neuroticism, Conscientiousness, Openness to Experience and Agreeableness. Recent studies show that Big Five traits measurement is powerful enough to explain a moderate percentage of the variance in academic achievement (Blickle, 1996; Rolfhus Ackerman, 1999). The relationship between Extraversion and academic achievement shows that Extravert students perform better in primary schools where as introverts perform well in secondary schools and university (Eysenck Cookson, 1969). Introverts are benefited in written exams, while extraverts have an advantage in oral exams (Chamorro- Premuzic Furnham, 2003a; Furnham Medhurst, 1995). Table 2.1: Characteristics of Big Five Personality Traits Big five traits Characteristics Sample Items Extraversion Impulsive, Ambitious, Social, Caring, optimistic, Confident I learn more through cooperating and discussing with my classmates. Agreeableness Friendly, helping, trusting, Kind, Cooperative Kindhearted, Supportive. I realize that helping my classmates in chemistry benefits me. Conscientiousness Hardworking, Motivated, well organized, dutiful, achievement-oriented I strive to achieve excellence in everything I do. Neuroticism Nervous, Sensitive, disturbed, confuse, distract I cannot understand the imaginary concept of Chemistry. Openness to Experience Open-minded, Inventive, Curious, Imaginative, Innovative I am always willing to accept the new experiences of Chemistry. Neuroticism is the condition of fear, nervousness in stressful conditions i.e., exams (Hembree, 1988; Siepp, 1991). Neuroticism leads to poor self-concept (Wells Matthews, 1994) and low self-estimated intelligence (Furnham, Chamorro-Premuzic, and Moutafi, under review). Chamorro-Premuzie and Furnham (2003) found that Neuroticism may impair academic achievement or has no significant associations with academic achievement (Puklek Levpu[scaron] [caron] ek Zupan[caron] i[caron] 2009a).Openness to experience is significant predictor of academic achievement(Bratko et al., 2006; Laidra et al., 2007). Openness to experience and agreeableness are positively related to academic achievement (Lounsbury et al., 2003; Farsides Woodfield, 2003). Researchers have shown significant associations between Conscientiousness and academic achievement in school (Noftle Robins, 2007) because careful, organized, hardworking, and achievement-oriented students may expect to succeed in academic settings. Attitude and Academic Achievement Osborne et al. (2003) state that attitudes are the feelings, beliefs, and values held about an object, in terms of chemistry may be enthusiasm about chemistry, perceptions of chemistry, and the contribution of chemistry to society or scientists. Thus attitude play a vital role in fostering long-lasting learning and to determine students academic achievement. Affective characteristics are considered as an important domain of attitude so in this study we select seven affective characteristics that are motivation, interest, confidence, enjoyment, importance, anxiety and achievement motivation. Table.2.2: Characteristics of Affective Domain of Attitude Scale Description Sample Item Enjoyment Fascinating, Exciting, Fun, Interesting, Attractive, Captivating Chemistry lessons are interesting and fun to study. Anxiety Worry, Nervous, Fear, Confuse, Uncomfortable Chemistry usually makes me feel uncomfortable, nervous and confused. Importance Useful, beneficial, Advantageous, Helpful, Aware Chemistry is useful if the topics are connected with our daily life. Interest Aware, Curious, Like, I am interested to know about the new researches in chemistry. Motivation Inspiration, Reinforcement, Stimulation, Encouragement When I fail in Chemistry course, it encourages me to try much harder to do well in Chemistry. Confidence Success, Sureness, Sef-reliance I am sure I can learn and can do advance work in Chemistry Achievement Motivation Extent to which students are motivated to achieve their goals. I get good grades in Chemistry than any other subject. An examination of literature on attitude and chemistry achievement reveals conflicting results (Shibley et al., 2003; Turner and Lindsay, 2003). While some claim a low correlation between attitude and achievement, others claim the two are strongly positively correlated. Wei-nburghs (1995) meta-analysis of the research suggests that there is only a moderate relation between attitude and achievement. Previous researches show the effect of affective characteristics of attitude on academic achievement. Skaalvik and Rankin (1995), Egitimidergisi, (2007) found that motivation is correlated with academic achievement. Academic achievement is most likely to occur when learning is self-directed and students are motivated (Ryan, Connell, Deci, 1985). Furthermore, researchers have found that motivation leads to engagement in academic tasks, which is related to achievement (DeCharms, 1984; Dweck, 1986). Interest is an individual predisposition and a psychological state of mind, which is important for cognitive engagement, learning, and achievement (Ainley, Hidi, Berndorff, 2002; Pintrich Schunk, 2002). Krapp approach interest in two different point of views, Personal and situational interest. Personal interest is topic-specific, persists over time (Schiefele 1991). However, situational interest is aroused as a function of the interestingness of the event or object and it is also changeab le and partially under the control of teachers (Schraw, Flowerday, Lehman 2001). Interest is related to students devotion, goals, and depth of learning (Hidi Renninger, 2006). Interests increase when students feel competent, so even if students are not initially interested in a subject or activity, they may develop interests as they experience success. (Stipek, 2002). Whitfield (1979) reported chemistry and physics as the least enjoyable subject. Analysis indicates that there is significant mean difference between Grade 9 and Grade 10 students attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject on enjoyment and importance dimensions (Can Boz, 2012). Achievement motivation is correlated with academic achievement (Camara, 1986). Individuals academic achievement depends not only on their motivation to achieve but also on whether they expect to achieve and whether they fear failure. Students work hard when they perceive a reasonable chance to succeed than when they perceive a goal to be o ut of reach (Atkinson, 1964). Demographics (Gender, School Sector, Parents Qualification, Choice of Course) and Academic Achievement: Previous studies demonstrate that achievement in science is gender dependent. Male and female students achievement in science is significantly correlated (Schibeci and Riley 1986, Weinburgh 1995). Previous research revealed that boys outperform girls in science in most countries (Pinchas 1988, Wang Staver 1995). Gender differences in science achievement test scores have not typically been large when compared. However, recent studies on gender differences in science achievement reported a change in pattern, thus reporting either no gender differences (Ventura 1992, Calsambis 1995) or girls outperforming boys in science (Young and Fraser 1990, Soyibo 1999). Fraser-Abder (1990) investigated the effects of gender, school-type (single-sex or coeducational schools, private denominational or government schools), parental occupation, and socioeconomic status on science achievement in Trinidad. Fraser-Abder found that girls scored significantly higher than boys on the science test. Zappala ( 2002) argue that the type of school a child attends influences academic achievement. Schools according to Sentamu (2003) are social institutions in which groups of individuals are brought together to share educational experiences and such interactions may breed positive or negative influences on learners. Parents education is positively related to students academic achievement. This is supported by Dills (2006) and Owens (1999). Considine and Zappala (2002) Kwesiga (2002) reveal that School sector (public or private) is linked to academic performance of students. Parents who scaffold learning experiences and provide support to their children when needed early in childrens lives may prepare their children for school entry and provide basis for them to benefit from educational activities (Pianta Egeland, 1994; Pianta et al., 1990; Pianta et al., 1997). Parents own behavior as well as joint family activities have been shown to influence childrens academic motivation and behavior ( Chen, Lee Stevenson, 1996; De Garmo, Forgatch Martinez, 1999; Grolnick Slowiaczek, 1994; Heiss, 1996). Authoritative parenting, has positive effects on how students approach the demands they face in school (Bradley et al., 2000; Gutman Eccles, 1999). Interest and attitude of learners towards the subject plays a decisive role for the success of the learner. Students choose course by their interest are believed to be highly motivated to learn than students placed in a department without their interest. High motivation is a factor which can lead students to a better achievement. Studies done by different authors disclosed that motivated students perform better academically than unmotivated ones (Bank and Finlapson, 1980; Broussard and Garrison, 2004; Sandra, 2002). Significance of the Study Attitude towards Chemistry and personality traits vary over time and effect academic achievement of students in different ways. Previous studies show that attitudes and personality towards Chemistry achievement are cultural dependent. Culture varies between and within countries. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume large number of variations in students achievement in chemistry reported from different parts of the world. Gender role varies in different cultures; it is therefore likely that chemistry achievement is gender dependent. Chemistry achievement is one of the major interests of educators. Although being not very frequent affective characteristics are studied together with personality and achievement in chemistry education. However studies based on Affective Characteristics and Achievement or on Personality and Achievement is found separately but combine study of all these three factors is not found in chemistry education. Prior research has established that both personality traits and attitude are associated with academic achievement. However, not much is known about the joint influence of personality traits and attitude on learners Chemistry academic achievement. In the current study, researcher sought to fill in this gap in the literature by directly examining the relationship between personality, attitude and academic achievement. Three major research questions were investigated: (1) what is the relationship between secondary school science students Big 5 personality traits and affective characteristics of attitude on their Chemistry academic achievement? (2) How demographic factors (age, gender, family type, school sector, choice of course and educational levels of parents) influence Chemistry academic achievement of secondary school science students. (3) Are the Affective Characteristics of Attitude depends on each other? Methods Development and Validation of Instrument To investigate the aim of this study, the first step was to develop a valid and reliable questionnaire for measuring students personality trait and attitudes toward chemistry achievement. Rather than translating an attitude and personality questionnaire among those available in literature, we constructed a new questionnaire, in order to be more relevant to the curriculum and conditions applied in the Pakistan schools. The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of Likert scale type. It was prepared by keeping in view different aspects of the problem. All participants completed a 37-statement investigator-developed questionnaire. The Questionnaire includes six demographic variables as well as two factors (Personality Attitude). Six demographic variables are included that elicits respondents background information. All participants were asked to rate each item using a five-point scale where a 5 represented strongly agree and a 1 represented strongly disagree. The ratings for all statement on each scale are summed, and a higher score indicates more obvious trait characteristics. All items were written in a structured alternative format design to reduce the tendency to give socially desirable responses (Harter, 1982). The pilot testing was done on a sample of 50 students. The reliability of the research instrument was 0.84 and level of difficulty of questionnaire was moderate. Procedures The authors obtained authorization from school administrators to conduct the study. Through individual meeting communications were provided to the school counselors (or classroom teachers) to explain the purpose of this study and the research instrument. Students were recruited through voluntary participation. There were 780 students who participate in this study. The investigators administered the Questionnaire to consenting students either during classes. Before administering the survey, the purpose of the study and the procedures to complete the Questionnaire were explained to the students. Students understanding of the survey was verified and questions about the survey were answered. Data Analyses Quantitative analysis was performed with the help of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Mean and one way ANOVA was applied on the data to investigate questionnaire in terms of personality traits and attitudes toward chemistry. Effect of Gender and Family Type on Students Chemistry Achievement Figure 1 illustrates a significant effect of Gender and Family Type on students Chemistry Achievement. Figure indicates that Male students have the mean value 3.66 and are high achievers in chemistry as compare to female students having mean value 3.60, while students belongs to Nuclear Family have the mean value 3.65 and are high achievers in chemistry as compare to students who belongs to Joint family system having mean value 3.62. Figure 1: Mean values of Class, Gender and Family Type on the basis of secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Effect of School Sector on Students Chemistry Achievement Figure 2 shows a significant effect of School Sector on students Chemistry Achievement. Figure indicates that the Private school show highest mean value 4.14 of Chemistry Achievement while the Government School show lowest mean value 2.78 of Chemistry Achievement and Semi-Government School show moderate mean value 3.98 of Chemistry Achievement. Figure 2 shows Mean values of School Sector on the basis secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Effect of Father Qualification on students Chemistry Achievement Figure 3 indicates that the students whose Father qualification is Masters show highest mean value 4.17 of Chemistry Achievement and the students whose fathers are Uneducated show lowest mean value 2.34 of Chemistry Achievement as compare to the students whose father qualifications is Matric, Intermediate, Graduation and Masters. Figure 3 illustrates a positive significant effect of Father Qualification on secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Figure 3 shows Mean values Father Qualification based on secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Effect of Mother Qualification on Students Chemistry Achievement Figure 4 indicates that the students whose mother qualification is Masters show highest mean value 4.21 of Chemistry Achievement and the students whose mothers are Uneducated show lowest mean value 2.37 of Chemistry Achievement as compare to the students whose mother qualifications are Matric, Intermediate, Graduation and Masters. Figure 4 illustrates a positive significant effect of Mother Qualification on secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Figure 4 shows Mean values of Mother Qualification on the basis of Secondary School students Chemistry Achievement. Effect of Choice of Course on Students Chemistry Achievement Figure 5 illustrates a significant effect of Choice of Course on Students Chemistry Achievement. Figure indicates that the students who choose chemistry for Better Academic Accomplishment show highest mean value 3.93 of Chemistry Achievement and the students who choose chemistry Out of Interest show lowest mean value 3.36 of Chemistry Achievement. Figure 5 shows Mean values of Choice of Course based on secondary school students Chemistry Achievement. Sum of Squares (df ) Mean Square F-values (p-values) Post hoc (p-values) 51%-60%Vs. 61%-70% 51%-60%Vs. 71%-80% 91%-100%Vs. 50% below 50% 91%-100% Vs. 51%-60% 91%-100% Vs.61%-70% 91%-100% Vs. 71%-80% Extraversion Between group 2.445 (5) 0.489 1.136 (0.340) Within group 333.101 (774) 0.430 Agreeableness Between group 5.249 (5) 1.050 2.196 (0.053) Within group 369.982 (774) 0.478 Conscientiousness Between group 8.395 5 1.679 4.180 (0.001) -0.2453 (0.015) -0.2992 (0.001) Within group 310.866 (774) 0.402 Neuroticism Between group 4.343 (5) 0.869 1.485 (0.192) Within group 452.680 (774) 0.585 Openness to Experience Between group 10.273 (5) 2.055 3.661 (0.003) -0.55686 (0.009) -0.34645 (0.048) -0.31730 (0.042) -0.38241 (0.005) Within group 434.327 (774) 0.561 -0.15460 (0.017) Personality Between group 2.616 (5) 0.523 3.044 (0.010) Within group 133.024 (774) 0.172 Table 3: One way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc for multiple comparisons of Chemistry Achievement on secondary school students Personality trait Effect of Personality Traits on Students Chemistry Achievement Table 3 indicates that there is no significant effect of secondary school students Personality trait Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism on Chemistry Achievement. Table 3 also reveals that there is significant effect of secondary school students Personality trait Conscientiousness on Chemistry Achievement. From the Tukey Post Hoc Test of Multiple Comparisons reveals that the students who got marks 61%-70% and 71%-80% show more Conscientiousness that the students who got 51%-60% marks. Table 3 also specifies that there is significant effect of secondary school students Personality trait Openness to Experience on Chemistry Achievement.Tukey Post Hoc Test of Multiple Comparisons reveals that the students who got marks 50% below 50%, 51%-60%, 61%-70% and 71%-80% show more Openness to Experience than the students who got 91%-100% marks. Table 3 also illustrates that there is significant effect of secondary school students Personality on Chemistry Achievement.Tukey Post Hoc Test of Multiple Comparisons reveals that the students who got marks 71%-80% show more Personality than the students who got marks 51%-60%. Sum of Squares (df ) Mean Square F-values (p-values) Post hoc (p-values) 81%-90% Vs.51%-60% 81%-90%Vs. 61%-70% 91%-100%Vs. 50% below 50% 91%-100% Vs.61%-70% 91%-100% Vs. 71%-80% Interest Between group 3.199 (5) 0.640 0.857 (0.510) Within group 577.815 (774) 0.747 Motivation Between group 12.250 (5) 2.450 3.923 (0.002) -0.61783 (0.005) -0.33498 (0.042) -0.36734 (0.015) Within group 483.388 (774) 0.625 Enjoyment Between group 5.923 (5) 1.185 1.197 (0.309) Within group 766.010 (774) 0.990 Confidence Between group 4.141 (5) 0.828 1.790 (0.112) Within group 358.069 (774) 0.463 Importance Between group 2.379 (5) 0.476 0.832 (0.527) ) Within group 442.382 (774) 0.572 Anxiety Between group 5.907 (5) 1.181 1.419 (0.215) Within group 644.330 (774) 0.832 Achievement Motivation Between group 12.150 (5) 2.430 3.637 (0.003) 0.36081 (0.015) 0.28473 (0.033) Within group 517.194 (774) 0.668 Attitude Between group 1.168 (5) 0.234 0.671 (0.646) Within group 269.496 (774) 0.348 Table 4: One way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc for multiple comparisons of Chemistry Achievement on secondary school students Affective Characteristics of Attitude Effect of Attitude on Students Chemistry Achievement Table 4 also indicates that there is no significant effect of secondary school students Interest, Enjoyment, Confidence, Importance, and Anxiety of Chemistry lessons. Table 4 indicates that there is significant effect of secondary school students Motivation towards Chemistry on Chemistry Achievement. Tukey Post Hoc Test of Multiple Comparisons it is evident that the students who got marks 91-100% show more Motivation as compare to students who got 50% below 50%, 61%-70% and 71%-80% marks. Table 4 illustrates that there is significant effect of secondary school students Achievement Motivation towards Chemistry on Chemistry Achievement.Tukey Post Hoc Test of Multiple Comparisons revealed that there is significant effect of secondary school students Achievement Motivation on Chemistry Achievement. The students who got marks 81%-90% show more Achievement Motivation than the students who got 51%-60% and 61%-70% marks. Table indicates that there is no significant effect of secondary school students Attitude towards Chemistry on Chemistry Achievement. Inter-relationship between different sub-factors of affective attitude Variable r- value Sig. Enjoyment and Interest 0.765 0.000 Interest and Motivation 0.694 0.000 Interest and Confidence 0.623 0.000 Interest and Importance 0.574 0.574 Interest and Anxiety 0.031 0.389 Interest and Achievement Motivation 0.666 0.000 Motivation and Enjoyment 0.566 0.000 Motivation and Confidence 0.824 0.000 Motivation and Importance 0.476 0.000 Motivation and Anxiety 0.014 0.687 Motivation and Achievement Motivation 0.464 0.000 Confidence and Importance 0.500 0.000 Confidence and Anxiety 0.009 0.793 Confidence and Achievement Motivation 0.445 0.000 Importance and Anxiety 0.008 0.834 Importance and Achievement Motivation 0.407 0.000 Anxiety and Achievement Motivation 0.196 0.000 Table 1 shows that r-ratio (0.765) SO, there is strong positive relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and students Enjoyment in learning chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.694) indicates strong positive relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and students Motivation in learning chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.623) illustrate the strong positive relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and students Confidence in learning chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.574) is not significant at pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤0.05 level of significance and there is no significant relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and they do not know the Importance of chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.031) is not significant at pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤0.05 level of significance so,there is no significant relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and their Anxiety about chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.666) il lustrate the strong positive relationship between secondary school students Interest in chemistry and students Achievement Motivation about chemistry lessons. Table 1 also shows that r-ratio (0.566) shows the moderate positive relationship between secondary school students Motivation about chemistry and students Enjoyment of chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.824) represents strong positive relationship between secondary school students Motivation about chemistry and students and Confidence about chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.476) shows the intermediate positive relationship between secondary school students Motivation about chemistry and Importance of chemistry lessons. r-ratio (0.014) is not significant at pà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤0.05 level of significance So, it is evident that there is no significant relationship between secon

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Heros Essay -- Essays Papers

Heros Throughout time and literature hero’s have not changed physically but the people who are looked to as hero’s has. A hero is someone who goes above and beyond what is required to help someone in need. Hero’s come in many shapes and sizes, and carry many similar but different qualities. Hero’s are kind people who truly care for others without any alterrior motives. People who care and donate their time, energy, love, and kindness to others. Also a person who is brave, daring and courageous are considered hero’s. Most hero’s have alterrior motives. They look to things such as money popularity, repaying debt, fame or higher standard of living. Some people pretend to be a her for being a hero. They try to come off as a person who cares but usually have another agenda bes...

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Mayans of Mesoamerica Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Mayans of Mesoamerica   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ancient Mayans were a very well developed society with a very accurate calendar, skilled architects, artisans, extensive traders and hunters. They are known to have developed medicine and astronomy as well. All of this was developed while the Europeans were still in the Dark Ages.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Their empire covered an area of roughly 400,000 to 500,000 square kilometers. This area included the present day countries of Belize, Guatemala, western Honduras and El Salvador, and also southern portions of Mexico. These lands have a very diverse terrain, from the mountainous highlands to the tropical lowlands. The wide range of geographical features meant that the Mayans food sources varied depending on their location.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Mayan hunters pursued large game like jaguars, wild boars, and snow leopards as well as small game like hares, rabbits, and squirrels. The three animals that seem to be the most prevalent in Mayan writings are the deer, iguana, and the quetzal bird. This has led archeologists to believe that these animals must have been more than just a food source. It is believed that the quetzal bird was not killed but only captured. While it was captured, they would pluck the feathers from it because they were considered very valuable. The Maya viewed hunting as more than just a food source, similar to the other native peoples we have studied. They had certain rituals t...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

German Government Officials in WWII :: European History World War II

German Government Officials in WWII Many people have contributed to the cruel treatment of human beings, specifically Jews, in Nazi Germany during the second World War. This is a report on the damage carried out by some of the Nazi criminals working under the rule of Adolf Hitler. Many people contributed in Hitler's attempt to carry out his 'Final Solution'. Among these people are Ernst Roehm, Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Himmler, and Hermann Wilhelm Goering. While I discuss how they partook in World War Two, keep in mind their actions will, and have, left a mark on the world forever. Little is known about Ernst Roehm's childhood. He was a quiet boy who never went looking for trouble and didn't express hatred towards anyone, mostly because his parents were Libertarians and never paid attention to the politics in Germany's heartland. In college, Hitler's ideas and notions had a strong impact on Roehm's personality. Though Roehm never graduated, he joined the Free Corps, a group of soldiers dedicated to changing injustices in the German government. After a while, Roehm started to grow tired of the Free Corp's non- violent style, and he was tempted to be more of an activist in government reform. Hitler, looking to recruit fellow officers in his plan, then in it's infancy, liked Roehm's strong presence and personality. Roehm, jobless and nowhere to go, joined Hitler's office. After Hitler was elected into office some years later, he split his dictatorship into different divisions. Roehm, being one of the original officers, was chosen as head of the Sturmabteilung, or SA, commonly referred to as the Brownshirts and storm-troopers. By 1932, the Brownshirts had reached more than 400,000 members. All types of men who Hitler saw fit enough to join were members. Among them were ex-Free Corps soldiers like Roehm, students who weren't able to find jobs, shopkeepers who went out of business or weren't profitable enough, the unemployed, uneducated, and common criminals. As you can see, they were a very diverse bunch. Roehm had full power over where they demonstrated and protested. What was their cause? None really. They were merely an idea of Hitler's to spread his popularity, as well as the Nazi Party's. They roamed the streets of Munich, often drunk, singing racist stanzas from songs, beating anyone they thought, judging just from appearance who they thought was a Jew or a Communist. Roehm screamed to the marching storm-troopers, "We

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Peace Essay

Christianity and Islam have similar teachings on peace and it is evident that there is a strong relationship between these fundamental teachings and the ways in which the religious traditions and their organizations actively strive towards world peace. World peace is understood in both faiths, not just as an absence of violence and conflict, but also as an overall sense of wellbeing and social cohesion. Inner peace is essential in achieving world peace, and must be attained in order to work towards peace at a higher level. Christianity teaches that peace is Christ’s parting gift and a concept that begins with Him, â€Å"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you† (John 14:27). The Catholic peace movement â€Å"Pax Christi† stands for the ‘peace of Christ’ and has launched a policy for a culture of peace and non-violence. â€Å"Pax Christi† uses the teaching of the peace of Christ to guide them, calling adherents to state that they are recognizing their responsibility to â€Å"respect life†¦practice active non-violence [and] defend freedom† (Pax Christi International Manifesto for a Culture of Peace and Non Violence 1999) in order to contribute to the achievement of world peace. Islam teaches that peace can only be attained through the submission to Allah’s will. One is able to submit to Allah through the process of jihad, which is to struggle to overcome the obstacles in the way of submission, or the process of Shahada. The Sufism movement provides Muslims with a path to follow in order to contribute to the attainment of world peace through 3 stations. These mirror the teaching that peace can only be found in Allah, encouraging the submission as the initial step in moving towards world peace, â€Å"Submitting our†¦bodies to Allah is Sufism† (Sufism Equals to Islam). The teaching of submission and anticipation of pleasing Him, establishes a Muslims role in actively working towards achieving world peace. The Quakers are a Christian denomination that follows the principal teaching of pacifism, as modelled by Jesus’ ministry. Christ’s teaching of the Beatitudes is fundamental in guiding the Quakers, especially in â€Å"Blessed are the peacemakers† (Matthew 5:9). The Quakers work towards world peace through things such as rallies and marches for peace and justice, as well as campaigning and raising awareness about social justice and supporting those looking for an alternative to violence. The Quaker’s choice to refrain from war to contribute to world peace can be seen by their silent vigils against war, such as that in King George Square. In 1660, the Quakers presented â€Å"A Declaration from the Harmless and Innocent†¦Quakers†, which has been the basis for the Quaker’s peace testimony in which they strive towards attaining world peace. Rufus Jones, a Quaker, stated that Quakers have an â€Å"obligation to assist and to forward movements and forces which make for peace in the world† (The Quaker Peace Position). Peace is a fundamental aim of Islam and teaches that war is only permitted to overcome oppression and tyranny. The Qur’an teaches that â€Å"whosoever killed a soul†¦it is as if he had killed all mankinds† (Al-Madiah 5:32). However, this is overlooked due to common misconceptions about the Islamic faith, especially due to exploitation by the media. After the violent aftermath of the London bombings in 2005, the NSW Islamic Council stated on their website, â€Å"We firmly hold the view that these killings and atrocities have absolutely no sanction in Islam†¦terrorism†¦has no support from†¦the Islamic community†¦and would never be endorsed†. Partnerships exist between Muslim, Jewish and Christian organizations so that their voices aren’t overlooked, for example the 1991 ‘Prayer for Peace’ in which it was asked, â€Å"Forgive our violence towards each other†. Even though overlooked by the media, Muslims work tirelessly towards world peace. Christianity expresses that justice must come before peace is achieved. In 1972, in the World Day of Peace Message, the Catholic Pope Paul VI said, â€Å"If you want peace, act for Justice†. Accordingly, the Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), seek peace, justice and reconciliation. In a report titled, â€Å"Called Together to be Peacemakers†, Catholics and Mennonites hoped to work together to assist the WCC’s DOV, stating, â€Å"Our similar identities as ‘peace churches’†¦our commitment to be followers†¦of Jesus Christ†¦Prince of Peace. † They quote John Paul II in the World Day of Peace (2002), â€Å"no peace without justice†, adding, â€Å"in the absence of justice†¦peace is a mirage†¦justice is an inseparable companion of peace† (CTBP 177). It is evident, the relationship between the doctrine of justice before peace, and then the actions to chieve this to strive towards world peace. The Qur’an teaches that, â€Å"Allah guides those†¦to the ways of peace†¦and guides them to a straight path† (5:16), often termed ‘the paths of peace’. This teaching of being guided on a path of peace is demonstrated by the organization Muslim Peace Fellowship, declaring on their website that their main objectives are to â€Å"work together with all people of good will to keep open the straight path† and to â€Å"work against injustice and for peace†¦in our world† (Muslim Peace Fellowship Blog). This organization actively seek world peace through the use of conferences, publications, speeches and interreligious action, as well as interior work and prayer. Evidently, principal teachings in both Christianity and Islam help to guide and encourage both their roles in the attainment of world peace. The fundamental teachings act as guidelines to be interpreted by current followers in order to play a role in the triumph of world peace. There is a strong correlation between the theoretical principal teachings and he actions performed by leaders and adherents to gain peace at a world level.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Short Message Service

My sMs tReAsuRe Acknowledgement This book is a combined efforts of a lot of people & also things. First & foremost I would like to thank my dearest parents, & then my friends (because all the sMs here are forwarded by them only, so I think they should be thanked first ! ) & then there are some of my relatives too who have sent me messages & then if I continue I would certainly won’t have enough money to publish rest of my book. Also secondly I would thank my whole skeleton that includes all my body parts (especially my hands) who co-operated me a lot while doing these activities.Lastly there is someone or rather something which is the most important i. e. my laptop & cellphone without which I wouldn’t even have dreamed of issuing such a book. (page 1 end) Information I need to tell that those sMs here are obviously not composed by those whose name is written under it, but those are the ones who have sent me these messages & hence I have writt en their names below it. The so-called title of â€Å"author† is not suitable to this book for me as I myself have not composed these messages so I would love it if I m rather being called a Typist.Well, the Typist is studying in High School & is a great fan of sMs (hope this much information about typist is enough for formality! ). Now I would ask u to leave these boring jobs & get refreshed with some mixed sMs as this book is not about any specific type of sMs. Please check out this book & to send me your thoughts, just close your eyes & smile once with full of happiness, your thoughts will reach me no matter wherever you are . (page 2 end) Dedicated to the someone special whom my heart belongs, that is YOU * (at the bottom)* Hey that’s totally a mere joke if u belong to the MALE religion ! page 3 end) Everyone is going to hurt u sooner or later †¦. U just have to realize what is worth †¦. The person or the pain . – Shilpa Vahini Frie nds ! Who are they ? The one who holds u r hand in a crowd, which is against u & says â€Å"tu tension mat le yaar apan sab sambhal lenge†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The one who taps u r back when u r wrong & says â€Å"I Know it aise gaphle bas tu hi kar sakta hain! † The one who does everything for u but then refuses to take thanks . †abe ye formality ka natak mat kar†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The one who msgs u saying â€Å"abe reply toh kar†The one who makes u smile & stops u r tears & starts crying him/her –self â€Å"Ankh main bhi abhi hi kachra girna tha aur tu band kar apna ye radio† Send this to all u r friends, even to those who are not in touch or who are far away from u †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. -Deepika U hv 20 mins to tell u r friends that u love them otherwise this month will be u r worst mont , so â€Å"I LOVE U Friendsss† Tyms running send it fast †¦& reply me also if I am†¦. -Deepika Ek bacha door bell bajane ki koshish kar raha tha . Ek buzurg admi ne dekha, to jakar bell baajayi aur bola – Aur kuch beta ?Bacha – Aur kya ab bhag ! -Priyanka Nice Lines â€Å"Even the most powerful person is weaker in front of the most Happiest person in the world † †¦.. So be happy Foreevvveerrr†¦.. –Shilpa Vahini Awesome msg – â€Å"Start working to fulfill u your dreams , or else sum day sum1 will put u in work to fulfill their dream ! † – Deepika Success formiula to learn from water : Adjust u rself in every situation &in any shape & most importantly always find out u r own way . Deepika Amazing but true : â€Å"There may be more than 8. 5 billion people in this world †¦.. but , sumtimes u just need ONE :D† -Deepika A true fact : If everyone is happy with u , then surely u have made a lot of compromises in u r life †¦!!! -Deepika Life can be happier & stressless if we remember just one simple thought : â€Å"We cant have all that we desire , but God will give us all that we deserve. † –Deepika Few true line of lyf †¦. gt; Ur fav song will say more abt u , than u r mouth ever will†¦ > d day u learn hw not to cry is d day u learn to hate & ignore†¦ > u no u had fun when u cant tell u parents what u did†¦. >a friend is sum 1 u tell u r stories to .. abest friend is sum1 who is in all those stories !!! – Deepika Talk more with sum1 who makes u happy †¦ but, try to talk at least a few minutes with sum1 who cant be happy without u & feel the difference †¦ -Yash S. A mind can forget many things but true heart never forgets anything .So try to forget sum hearts which will never forget u for rest of its life†¦. –Yash S. Straight Insult- Husband : ye kaisa khana banaya hain tumne bilkul gobar jaisa . Wife : he bhagwan !! Is admi ne to har chiz chakh rakhi hain !!!! -Ninad Ek kaam kar yaar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tu na Is msg ko delete kar de isme kuch nahi hain †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ -Priyanka Thought for the day: â€Å"Never underestimate anyone† An ant might be small but it can bite u r bum can u bite its bum just imagine -Priyanka Do u know which is d best part of life ? When u r family understands like u r friend & u r friends understand u like a family ! – Shilpa Vahini I want to live ling life ! Not in d world ! Just in u r heart as a bst friend †¦ -Sushmit Alset RAat ko chupke se ati hain pari, Kuch khushiyon ke sapne lati hain pari , kehti hain sapne kea gosh main kho jaon , bhul ke saare gum chup chap so jao .. Sushmit Alset Dil todne walo ko saza kyun nahi har kisi ko pyar ki dua kyun nahi ? Log kehte hain ishq to ek bimari hain phir medical store main uski dawa kyun nahi –Sushmit Alset DOOB maro nikammo ( – _ – ) ( – _ – ) / I I / )( / )( Shoab ne saniya jaisi ko phasa liya aur tumse abhi tak mohalle walli nahi pati †¦.. – S ushmit Alset Aaj newspaper main padha ki dosto k isms karne se dil ki bimari ho sakti hain to aaj se band †¦kya sms ? . . . . . . . are nahi newspaper band.. DOSTI ZINDABAD. –Maitrayee Thirsty crow story in hinglish.. nce upon kagla, sitting on a dagla, he was very pyasa, here n there bhatka then saw a matka sum stones patka little water gatka n satka . –Maitrayee Kahte hain achcha dost maths ke zero jaisa hota hain jiski waise toh koi kimat nahi hoti par who jiske sath jud jaye uski kimat 10 guna badh jati hain . –Maitrayee 10 mins talk with an intelligent person is equal to read general knowledge books for whole day, so don’t hesitate 2 talk to a genius person. –Maitrayee 3 things dat should not be asked 1. A mans Wage 2. A womans Age 3. A students percentage . It hurts . –Yash S.Student – Give me sum extra time Give me sum brain give me another chance to write my paper once again . Examineer – nanananananananan.  œMaitrayee New films released in theatres after xams . 1. Tension aaj kal 2. Pack up sid 3. Wanted 40 4, Ajab syllabus ka ghazab paper 5. Marks mile 6. Three failures -Maitrayee Anytime any prob any help just give me only missed call . I will immediately . . . . . . â€Å"give u another miss call. † -Maitrayee Hum Indians – barish mili toh bhigna shuru, aarat mili toh nachna shuru aur sms mila reply chodkar . . . forward karna shuru. – Maitrayee 3 days, 74 hours, 4320 minutes 25920 seconds pehle apko Happy Friendship Day in advance. –Shilpa Vahini Santa 1st time plane main baitha jaise hi plane agla tyre upar utha santa pilot ko marne laga aur bola â€Å"sale main pehle hi dara hua huin aur tum stunt mar raha hain !! † – Maitrayee A 5yr boy asked his friend what is friendship? He replied friendship is when u rob my chocolates everyday from my bag I still keep it in same place. Sushmit Alset 1 night I woke from my dream n saw my books were si nging guess which song . . . . â€Å"zara zara touch me touch me touch me zara zara hold me hold me† -Maitrayee If u get my sms I m good , if u save my sms u agree I m good if u forward my sms u r spreading I m good , if u delete my sms u r jealous bcoz I m too good. –Maitrayee Identification of student 1. Books in bag – bihar 2. Books in hand – delhi 3. Rolled books in jeans – Mumbai 4. No books no tension bt mobile in hands – Nagpur we rock. –Sushmit AlsetHum jabhi apki duniya se jayenge itni khushiyon aur pyar de jayenge ki jabhi yaad karoge is pagal ko hasti akhon se bhi asuun nikal ayenge . –Sushmit Bell has no sound till sum1 rings it. Songs has no tune until sum1 sings it so never hide u r feelings bcoz it has no value till sum1 feels it . – Shilpa Vahini Attitude rocks : maa bete se : uth jaan kambakht dekh suraj kab ka nikal aya hain beta : to kya hua amma who sota bhi toh mujhse pehle hain na ! -Sushmit Durin g a war enemy soldier captures some women n says I want revenge , I will rape all of u . Young lady – plzz leave r grandma Grandma – . . Shut up ! War is war !!!! –Sushmit What is gaali ? krodh ke samay much se nikle ashudh shabd athwa shabdon ka samuha jinke ucharan ke paschat wyakti ka hriday ko shanti ka anubhav hota hain . –Sushmit On a ship a CA,Enginner, Doctor were sailing . Suddenly devil appeared n said drop anything of u r choice n if I find it I will eat u n if I wont I will be u r servant . CA dropped a pen, devil found it n ate him. Doctor dropped needle devil found that also n ate him. Engg opened a water bottle n poured sum water†¦!! -SushmitSon: Ma kya gandhiji mar gaye Mom :ha beta Son : Nehru Mom: wo bSon : desh me achche log nahi hain kya? Mom : aisa mat bol beta â€Å"whomsoever† zinda hain †¦. –Sushmit I said â€Å"I m the sweetest person in the world † GOD laughed 7 said wait u have not met the person r eading this sms . . . . . Moral : Even GOD can crack jokes ! –Sushmit Kisi ka hath thamkar chodna nahi wada kisise karke todna nahi koi agar tod de dil aapka toh bina hath pair tode chodna nahi . –Sushmit Zindagi sukh dukh ki paheli hain sukh main toh sabhi pyar karte hain par jo dukh main pyar kare wahi sachcha pyar won a mile toh rona mat aur mile toh khona mat . –Sushmit My eyes- miss u , my feelings – luv u , ands- need u , mind – call u , heart- just for u I love u I really u . . . . . . . Aisa boli Juliet Romeo ko . –Sushmit Shayri – tere pyar ke saye main mujhe aisa pyasa banaya wah wah tere pyar ke sayein ne mujhe aisa pyasa banaya tu ek minute ruk, main paani pike aya. –Sushmit Once I was in love n she broke my heart in to several pieces, . . . . . . . now I m loving different girls with different pieces !!!! -Sushmit Hey sms go slowly if friend is in sleep just return back to me †¦ therwise u go without making n oise near her ears n slowly say good night !!! -Sushmit Lobz na nikle phirbhi awaz hoti hain kuch lamhe ki baat bahut khaas hoti hain ap chahe mane ya na mane, lekin apki yaad hamesha dil ke pass hoti hain . –Sushmit Agar koi dost nahi toh life is jail . Agar bure dost ho to nothing is well . Agar dost apke jaisa ho toh all izz well . -Sushmit Good morning life has no pause button. Dreams have no expiry date . dates has no holidays . so enjoy each n every day in happy way n keep smiling. Sushmit Sum idiot says â€Å"Behind every successful man, der is a woman†, but nobody knows the fact – â€Å"women choose only successful men† -Sushmit Customer – kaka dettol saban ahe ? Dukandar (dhungan khajwat) ho ahe na Customer – tar kutrya tyani hath dhun ani ek kilo sakhar de. -Sushmit Pagal khane main sare pagal dance kar rahe the par 2 pagal ekdum khamosh baithe the , doctor ne socha ki who thik ho gaye he, So doc asked y r u not dancing? de replied – hum dulha dulhan hain †¦.. ( e ‘’ : ( ( e ( ) ‘’ : ( ( ) ( ) ——– ‘’ : ( () ——–Mobile ko right hand side se dekhiye hum apko kitna miss kar rahe hain . –Sushmit Sweetest kiss – on head Loveliest kiss – on cheek Most romantic kiss – on lips & the hottest kiss . . . . On bike’s silencer !!! Just try it †¦ Darr ke age jeet hain ! -Sushmit Boyfriend & girlfriend r like 2 tyres of a vehicle, even if 1 punctures, The vehicle cant move further, So be intelligent & always keep a . . . . STEPNE !!! -Sushmit [email  protected]@ , , @@. @ Frnds @ @ Day @ @ @ @ Pass this â€Å"HEART† to all u r friends including me . If 3 come back u ‘ll get a big surprise on Friendship Day †¦! -SushmitNEW ADD OF FAIR & LOVELY†¦. Maa – Kamini, kaha thi itni raat tak ? Beti – Boyfriend ke saath †¦ Maa – kar ayi n a mu kala ? Beti – Toh kya hua maa, FAIR & LOVELY hain na†¦.! –Ninad Ek pyara sa sawal : Agar apko naya janam milo to aap mujhe kis rishte main pana chahoge ? Apka janam is janam ke rishte ko chodkar hona chahiye †¦. Plzz reply .. Waiting eagerly for u r reply †¦ -Sushmit Ek sher arj kiya hain – â€Å"Chand par hain light, Bole to honewali hi night, To band karne ka tubelight, aur so jaane ka keeping quite. Bole to GOOD NIGHT† -Sushmit HI How r u ? I WISH U %——-Happy——–% %’’’’’Friendship’’’’’’’% †Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Day†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ % Dekhi meri yaari kitne pehle baazi mari †¦.. Miss u †¦ -Sushmit A for Apple B for Bada Apple C for Chota Apple D for Doosra Apple E for Ek Apple F for Faltu Apple . . . . . . . Z for Zopa Ata .. Sampla †¦.!! -Sushmit Je jodel ten ate, ji julete ti savay, ji asate ti odh, je wadhate te prem, jo sampto to sahwas, ani ji nirantar rahte ti maitre. Happy Friendship Day in advance. -Sushmit If u get a chance to gift me sumthing from the things which u hv then what will u gift me n y ? reply fast†¦. I m eagerly waiting!! -Sushmit Lamha lamha waqt guzar jayega, bas ek din baad , Friendship day a jayenga,Abhi se hamari wishes le lo nahi toh network busy ho jayenga.. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY . –Sushmit Ye 5 naam 7 logo ko bhejo aur believe me apki sabse badi prob hal ho jayengi – JAY SHRI RAM JAY SHRIKRISHNA JAY MATA DI JAY MAHA KALI JAY PAVANSUT HANUMAN Don’t delete it Azma ke dekh lo†¦ -Sushmit Thank u for touching my life in ways u never know. My riches don’t lie in material wealth but in having friend like u as precious gift . So, HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. –Kartik In life friendship is never planned, nor does it happen for any reason†¦ But when friendship is rea l It becomes a plan for u r life & a reason for living . Happy Friendship Day . Shilpa Vahini Life is so much unfair! First gives us so much time to live together & to know each other & now ehen we know each other, we don’t have enough time to be together. Miss all those days. -Kartik Isse pehle ki 1 August ki sham ho jaye, badhai ka silsila aam ho jaye, mobile ka junction jam ho jaye, kyun na friendship ka abhi se salaam ho jaye, HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. -Abhishek 1day Monday went 2 Tuesday 2 see Wednesday & asked Thursday whether Friday has told Saturday that Sunday is HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. -Priyanka Friendship doesn’t occur with special people, but people become special after being friends.I don’t know what I am to you, but u r always special to me. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. -Sushmit We met it was luck! We talked it was chance! We became friends it was destiny! We are still friends it is faith! We will always be friends it is a promise! HAPPY FRIENDS HIP DAY. -Maitrayee A friend scolds like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother. Friendship is a blend of all the relations, preserve it! HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. -Sushmit Hey! Today I would like to thank you for being my friend till date, & hope you to be there till my life ends. I love you my friend. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. -JyotiLife is a blank page. Each friend holds a pen & writes own story in everyone’s life. Thanks for covering some dreadful pages of my life. -Sushmit You can win life by all means if you simply avoid two things – â€Å"COMPARING† & â€Å"EXPECTATION† -Sushmit God ne pucha – Kidhar jaane ka mangta ? Swarg ya narak? Apun bola NARAK! Apun ko malum that um sala punter dost log udharich milega, bole toh jidhar tum wahich apna swarg. -Yash S. Friendship is a lifelong commitment spoken by the heart, n u have to accept it kyun ki – â€Å"ek baar jo maine commitment kar diya to phir mai n apne aap ki bhi nahi sunta† -Deepika Thought for the day – I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job- because definitely he will find an easy way to do it † aisa Bill gates bola . So be PROUD to be LAZY. -Shilpa Vahini This cat is cat good cat way cat to cat keep cat an cat idiot cat busy cat for cat 20 cat seconds cat. Now read this without cat . -Yash S. Two best secrets to keep relationships strong – 1. Whenever you are wrong always admit it. 2. Whenever you are right just keep quite. -Deepika Always ask God to give you what you deserve & not what you desire, it is because your desires may be a few but you deserve a lot more! -Deepika Sometimes something happens to us :We know that they are fine but we call and ask â€Å"abe kaisa hain ? † We know that we cant be forgotten but we still say â€Å"bhul gaya na mujko ? † We know that they cant go without us but we still say â€Å"Mere liye rukna. † We know that they cant finish all the stuff without us ,†Mere liye bhi bachana. † We know its impossible to survive without them but we still say â€Å"kabhi baat mat karna mujhse† Thanks for being my friend for so long. -Deepika Friends are amazing when they are new. They are wonderful when they are true. But, They are a blessing when they are like u! -Shilpa Vahini Friendship is a gift that is fair in all things.It roots from one’s heart and involves memories that stay not for a while but for a lifetime. -Shilpa Vahini Hello! Good (whatever the time! ) H – How are you? E – Everything fine? L – Like to see you! L – Love to hear about you! O – Obviously, miss u! -Deepika English mom – Gud night, son. Hindu mom – Shubh ratri beta. Muslim mom – Shaba khair. Aani apli aai – Are aag lav tya mobile la ani zop ata! Apli aai rocks! -Aniket New additions to Newton’s laws of motion : Loose motion can never ever be done in slow motion! -Aniket A Marathi student in a village was asked to read the following English numbers : 70,280,82,89,99 He read -Shewanti tu yeti ? yeti tu ? yeti nai ? nai tar nai! -Maitrayee â€Å"Smile increases value of face. † â€Å"Anger spoils beauty of soul. † â€Å"A faith is force of life† â€Å"Confidence is companion of success. † KEEP SMILING! -Shilpa Vahini Nothing is old, nothing is new, Its just a matter of point of view, Enjoy life as happy days are few, Because if life is an ocean then happy moments are few! -Shilpa Vahini Innocence with Attitude – I may not always love the guys who love me, sorry, but I surely do respect their choice. -Sushmit Apne dosti ka wo dag , jisse hum TIDE se nahi sho nahi sakte, RIN se saf nahi kar sakte, SURF se mita nahi sakte, yunki , kuch DAG ACCHE HOTE HAIN. -Abhishek Murga – I love u Murgi – hahah Murga – Main ter liye kuch bhi kar sakta huin Murgi – really ? Murg a – yes, sachchi. Murgi – chal anda deke dikha! -Abhishek Makaan malik – 500 rupees kiraya hoga. Kiraydar – thik hain, par apke makaan main chuhe nack rahe hain. Makaan malik – to kya 500 rupay main yaha shakira nachegi. -Abhishek G o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ol Gappe kitne tasty hote hain na! Apko kya laga gud night! -Abhishek Ye dosti chiraag hain isse jalay rakhna, ye dosti gul hain ise khilai rakhna, hum rahe na rahe is jahaan main bas hamari yaad dil main badaay rakhna. -AbhishekAnyday if u r depressed confused or hurt, don’t worry. Go in front of the mirror & u will find the best person who will solve your problem. Trust yourself. -Sushmit Chuhe ko billi lagi gori, done milne lage chori chori chuha bola – o gori a khele aak mincholy . . . . Billi chuhe ko maar ke khayi aur boli, I HATE LUV STORYS. -Shilpa Vahini Best words â€Å"Always have a compromising nature in your life because as world is round everything that u will l et go will definitely come back to you again † -Sushmit Class VI boy proposed to class X girl . Boy – I luv u . Girl – Stupid, I m older than u.? Boy – I m madly in love with you Girl – Get lost! . . . Boy – Didi plzzzz!!!! -Sushmit Ek number man me socho usme 3 jodo ab use 2 so guna karo usmese 7 ghatao bachi huin sankhya ko kagaz par likho . . ab uska . hawaiii jahaj banake udao. Furrr†¦.. -Sushmit Santa – tu bata ki meri tokri main kya hain toh sab ande tere aur ye bata ki kitne hain toh 8 ke 8 tere aur agar ye bata de ki kiske hain toh murgi bhi teri. Banta – kuch hint to de. -Sushmit Itna busy bhi na raha karo Kabhi kabhi yaad bhi kar liya karo Shero shayri na ati ho na sahi aye hue sms hi forward kiya karo. -Sushmit A true example of confidence : Place Eden Garden India vs Australia Brad Hogg took Sachin’s wicket . At the end of match hahaha†¦.. -Sushmit Sweet is u r nature, Dear is u r name, U will always remain as earth wants water, Flower want dewI want nothing but happiness for U†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦!! -Sushmit Sabse pyare aap ho , Sabse smart ho, Sabse sweet ap ho, Sabse mast aap ho, . . . . zyada uchlo mujhe aya tha apko â€Å"sirf dikhana tha† -Abhishek Hum wo roshni hain jo apke roshan kar jayenge, dosti ki chingari se bhi jal jayenge, ek baar pyaar se sms toh kijiye, Ghar ake sms ke paise de jayenge!!! -Sushmit In the company of wind dust achieves gr8 height but when mixed with water , it becomes mud So always choose the right company. Gud day. Sushmit Khud ko kar buland itna ki khud Himalaya ki choti par ja pahuche, phir khuda tumse puche â€Å"abe sale gadhe , ab utrega kaise † -Sushmit Believe it or not, but its true. Gandhiji went to Jim at the age of 24 . 1 of his friend said,†WOW , Mohan kya BODY hain†. Tab se bapu ne shirt pehenna hi chod diya!!!!! -Sushmit I may not always stay in touch, Bt I care for u very much. I may not prove to be the perfect friend But I hope the relationship we share never ends†¦. -Sushmit *Beautiful $un* *Fre$h @ir* *$weet Bird$* *Bloom Flower$* *Knock u r door* /,†Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬ Ã¢â‚¬  |[]____| *Just to $ay u * GOOD MORNING DEAR†¦.. -Shilpa Vahini